Lightly pet your braid ladies and gentleman and grab a few Bud Lights because boy do we get into it today. The topic is FAILURE. What does it mean to fail? More importantly (GASP!) has Beyoncé ever failed? Was Pink Panther a failure? How about falling down a set of stairs or Carmen a Hip Hopera? Sure you could call it a FAILURE… you could also go F**K yourself! We cover it all from failed looks to failure to launch. Whether it’s a white woman in a RocaWear purse or a Jamaican shirt and a Rasta belt at a teens only party it’s called FASHION look it up! Courtney’s too busty to get in trouble, Wil’s out here bamboozling hoes and Leif has the vocal range of Rihanna! Sit back, relax, remember when there was a time where we weren’t sure who the ultimate R&B Diva would be Beyoncé or Ashanti and when you’re done laughing at that thought RATE! REVIEW! SUBSCRIBE! LISTEN! ANDDDD visit for SO MUCH MORE!